Fruit Insect News from Doug Pfeiffer (Fruit Entomologist at Virginia Tech - Blacksburg)
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Brood X of Periodical Cicada Active
Hello, everyone,
Periodical cicada does its most important injury by its oviposition behavior, using its ovipositor to make slits in shoots were eggs are deposited. The section of shoot or branch beyond this point dies, resulting in a brown flagging. Usually, this occurs beyond where fruit are growing, but this can vary and growers should be observant. The injury has its greatest impact on young fruit trees and grapevines, and these plants should be protected during periods of adult activity.
This year's appearance periodical cicada's Brood X has commenced. First appearance of emergence from the soil was seen on April 28 (thank you Adria Bordas for the notice!). Development was slowed by the period of cool weather we experienced. With warmer activity, adults are now becoming more active, and Mark Sutphin has noted this activity in Frederick County orchards.
For more details on periodical cicada, follow this link for a 20-minute recorded presentation:
There are 15 broods of periodical cicada (12 17-year forms, three 13-years forms in more southern areas). The details of distribution may change with changes in land use. Brood X (this year's brood) will be most intense in northern Virginia, north through eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. However, there are pockets in southwestern Virginia and North Carolina. If any of you note activity in southwestern counties, and in any counties around the edge of the range (see map), please le me know, so that we can update our records!
More later,
Spotted Lanternfly Update
Hello, everyone,
Spotted lanternfly is the newest invasive our fruit growers are having to deal with - fortunately, it is still limited in geographic range, but this range continues to expand.
First egg hatch this season was reported on April 28. Development was slowed by the period of cool weather we experienced, but more nymphs are now being seen.
SLF continues to expand its most intensive infestation in Frederick County, with several counties added. Clarke and Warren Counties now have scattered breeding populations, and individual finds have been made in Shenandoah,Page, Madison, Fauquier, Prince William, and Augusta Counties. The rankings for some of these sites may increase as further data are collected. It is important to note that there may not be breeding populations in some of the latter counties because of the ability of individual SLF to hitchhike.
The VDACS-designated quarantine zone has been expanded beyond Frederick County to include Clarke and Warren Counties.
Grape is the most vulnerable commercial crop. In October we discovered SLF at a commercial vineyard for the first time. However, the SLF range now surrounds some vineyards, so further detections in some of our northern vineyards are likely this season. SLF has also been detected at commercial orchards in Frederick County; impacts will be followed there as well.
Please let me know of detections you may make in your vineyards. In addition, you can report finds of SLF into the following portal:
In order to move regulated articles from the infestations zone, certification is needed. This certification is available at this location:;jsessionid=E3FEE1B1C1921BA6848B382063FC0BDE?method=load&courseId=1066947
More later,
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2025 Fruit Pest Management Recommendations Posted
Hello, everyone, This year's revisions to our fruit pest management guides are now available. The guides are available for free in PD...
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Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Edwin J. Jones, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; M. Ray McKinnie, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State University, Petersburg.